Monday 15 March 2010

God is In Charge!

God is in charge!

How does this sentence make you feel?

Does it make you feel uncomfortable?

Does it make you feel small?

Does it make you feel scared?

Does it make you feel relief?

It may make you feel a combination of the above. Depending on your perception of who God is, whether you believe in a fearful God, or a compassionate, loving God.

If you see God as a God that you must fear, then you may feel scared. You may think that, 'I am a sinner, so if God is in charge, I'm done in for!'

If you see God as a God who is compassionate and full of Love then you may think, ' I am a sinner, so if God is in charge, I feel relieved, for He can show me the way'

If we take the second scenario and believe that God being in charge is a good thing, then we can give all our worries to God and his Angels.

We can say, 'God, I can't do this alone, I ask you to be in charge. You have given me free will, but I want your will to be in charge. Whatever you say I will do, please give me courage to follow it through.'

That sounds sort of scary though, even if we believe God is loving and kind. What if God makes us leave all our possessions behind? What if God makes us leave our Home, and our loved ones? What if God makes us do something we don't like?

God will not make us do anything we cannot do. When you believe God is really in charge, you gladly, let Him take the reigns.

Following His 'orders' will feel natural. You will feel safe and secure in the knowledge that you have God on your side.

You may have to change your life, you may have to move home, you may have to leave people. God knows how much you can take, and in all this you have your own will too.

God is in charge, but you are co-creators in your life!

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