Tuesday 13 April 2010

Growing- reaching completion!

Finally I have my little plot of land that I can plant my Little seedlings in!

The council here in Birmingham UK, rents out little plots of land called allotments. You can grow your own fruit, vegetables and flowers.

I was so desperate for some 'Earth' as I live in an apartment, I wanted to have some land where I could feel grounded.

I have only been waiting for two months, there is usually a long waiting list. It seems my positive intentions have drawn the allotment to me.

Unfortunately, most of my seedlings that I planted have died. Some died when I re-planted them into bigger pots, the rest perished when my daughter accidentally knocked them over.

I have three little aubergine shoots left. They are my babies and I feel apprehensive in putting them in the vast open air.

The allotment needs alot of work. It is quite large and if I'm honest looks like a field. But its mine (for now)

We were given the choice from 9 plots, I chose mine for two reason;

1) There was a lone daffodil at the outskirts of the 'field'.
2) There was a lone soft, white feather.

My Angels where guiding me to take it!

Also, it was plot number 63. I'm not sure if that number has any special meaning, but what little I know of numerology, 6 + 3 = 9
Some meanings for the number 9 are;

The nine Choruses of the Angels:

Seraphes, angels of love and light;
Cherubs, angels of wisdom and intelligence;
Thrones, angels of force and life;
Dominations, angels of liberty;
Principalities, angels of eternity and memory;
Powers, angels of holiness;
Vertues, angels of humility;
Archangels, having for attribute the justice;
Ordinary angels, to which we attribute the innocence

The number nine is held in great reverence in the occult sciences; and in mathematical science it has properties and powers which are found in no other number.

It is the last of the digits, and thus marks the end; and is significant of the conclusion of a matter.

Nine is the number of finality or judgment.

So, as I am angel guided and am committed to following the guidance I am shown, I have been thinking about what this plot of land is showing me symbolically.

The following is what I have come up with;

- There were nine plots to choose from and the plot was number 63, 6 + 3= 9, so 9 is important
- As nine is the number of finality, there is something in my life which is reaching completion.
- There are 9 choruses of Angels with different attributes. Are these the attributes I am learning and is it here on my plot that I am going to learn them?

I am sure I will learn alot here on my little plot. I need to start from scratch, The land needs cultivating, plowing, and all the other gardening jargon I don't know about.

I will need patience and respect for nature, I will need to become humble and trust the force of life.

I hope that here on my plot I can learn about all I need to know, basking in the light of the Divine.

I feel blessed!

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