Monday, 10 October 2011

Let it Begin!

The new energies are coming in thick and fast. Whatever needs to go has to go. It can be painful, somethings do not want to go, somethings are so deeply entrenched that they have morphed into you, taking over your personality and clouding the real you.
But hold on tight and trust!
This time is different,
This time is the end of time
This time is a time of no time of new bginnings.

Take a deep Breath and buckle your seat belts. Maybe you can really let your hair down and go bare back, no seat belts. Be FREE!

It will get ugly, frightening and sometimes you will get drawn into the drama. Let go!
Allow what is happening,
Breathe some more.
You are being taken care of, whatever may be happening, TRUST some more, have faith, BE!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

Everything is Energy!

Right, I'm done with searching (for now). I ususally go through a period of devouring information from all sides - dark and light but trying to keep my feet grounded in the love side. I read, research, dream, ask my guidance and look with new eyes, comparing what I have learnt so far.

I am a thinker and this causes me to over rationalise. I am also an intuitive so I 'know' things without knowing how I know. But thankfully I am also a 'feeler' and I can feel when something is off or on. But having an overactive thirst for knowledge sometimes gets the better of me.

But as I said, for now I am done, I have come into balance. This is something I used to find very hard to do where I would either burn myself swinging like a pendulum from too much thinking or too much feeling. I have learnt DISCERNMENT. I have learnt how to trust my body signals and also to have FAITH in my knowing. Also with the thinking part, I have learnt to put everything through the filter of LOVE.

So, what have I come up with so far?

Everything is energy!

Nothing new really as most of you already know this, maybe spiritually, maybe intellectually, maybe both or none of the above.

But, personally I feel I understand this TRUTH on another level. I can see how our perception can create our own TRUTH. I can feel how our feelings can create our own REALITIES. And I 'know' at some level that I am not really understanding rationally, that all is happening in DIVINE perfect order.

What does this mean?

DIVINE perfect order means that wherever our perceptions or energy are at, Divine order still happens. We may be experiencing struggle and pain with much fear, but on another level, a DIVINE level all is ok. All is enfolding at your own vibration.

So, if you are still holding on to old belief systems, beleiving everything you read or hear on the news and other authority institutions, which sometimes include the family, Church, health system and also schools, then you are expereincing a realty where the vibration is lower- not worse or bad, but just lower on the energy scale.

This causes us to not trust in our own inner guidance, to become fearful and to be carried away in a mass collectiveness where the energy is the same.

If you are beginning to see differently, question what is in front of you as maybe this is not really it, and prefer to choose peace and love instead of restricted thinking, feeling and actions, then your energy is vibrating higher- not better or special.

We all have to go through the lower to get to the higher, if that is what we want. If we enjoy the fight, the blame, the attack and the fear, we can stay where we are, it is our choice. Energy goes in the same direction as all there is is energy. As we too are energy.

Enjoy the journey, it is always our choice where we want to make our stop-overs!

We are the one's we've been waiting for!

We have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour.
Now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.

And there are things to be considered.
Where are you living? What are you doing?
What are your relationships? Are you in the right relation?
Where is your water? Know your garden.

It is time to speak your truth. Create your community.
Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader.

This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold onto the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart and they will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore, and push off and into the river,
Keep our eyes open, and our head above the water.
See who is in there with you and Celebrate.

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally.
Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do,
Our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over, Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and your vocabulary.
All that you do now must be done in a sacred manner
And in celebration.

We are the one's we've been waiting for."
The Elders, Hopi Nation, Oraibi Arizona

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Everyone is Helping us!

I have been been thinking about the idea that at soul level everybody is helping us. This implies that everything that happens to us, everyone who is in our life, especially people who are maybe not so nice to us, are helping us to evolve.

This is a difficult concept to grasp, especially when we may be in an unhappy relationship, living in squalid surroundings, in a job we don't like where our collegues are not nice to us. How can these people be helping us?

If you believe in the law of karma, cause and effect, then you may be able to see that if someone is bad to you, they are either having their turn at being the bad guy, since in a previous lifetime you where bad to them. But how do you know this is the case, and is it healthy to just accept bad behaviour on the off chance that you may have done something terrible in another lifetime?

The' Everyone is helping us' idea is a little like the law of Karma but with the difference that on a soul level we have a pre planned life contract and our soul friends agree with you to meet you in this life either as a bad guy or as a good guy in order for you to have a chance to grow. This happens by choosing to react in love instead of in hate. So if I meet someone who is bad to me, If I choose to see this as a chance to evolve, I will not be caught in the blame game and I will be able to move on.

Easier said than done. We have now been given a chance to finally put all karma to rest, not to be born again everything that needs forgiving, released, let go is to happen now. Therefore wasting time in being angry with someone, feeling sorry for ourselves and holding grudges just keeps us stuck.

So next time you catch yourself feeling 'human' try and remember that at soul level everyone is helping us. We can ask for God's grace if we find it impossible to move past our own closed vision, that we are humans having a spiritual expereince for we are indeed spiritual beings having a human experience.

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

What is your Reality?

It is nearly the end of the month, but more importantly we are approaching the end of the old, the end of all that we have held to be true.

For myself all the old ways of being, thinking, reacting are finding their way to the surface and making their last plea for survival. There are more arguments, more misunderstandings but whereas the people I am involved with who are my greatest teachers,hold on to the interactions as a cause to blame, seek revenge and keep the negativity alive, I know that they are just the last remnants of my old self, being played out.Of course I can quite easily be taken prisoner and stay locked in a prison with my supporting actor, but I have learnt to quickly dismiss this scenario as an illusion and move on, even if my accomplice does not.

What is important to remind yourself at this time is that others are mirroring the last remnants of the old in you and there is no need to do any 'work' on yourself but just release it to allow the new to take hold. The more you are conscious of this the less chance there is to keep re-creating dramas that keep both of you locked in the old.

This is where relationships will either break or become stronger. By releasing all anger and revenge you are free to be all that you were meant to be. This could help to bring a new lightness to a relationship, the other basking in your light, allowing theirs to shine through. Or if the other is just not at that place yet, they will find it increasingly uncomfortable to be in your presence, as you will be a bright reflection of all that they are not and also will on some level know that they need to do the work and they are just not willing to do so.

It will become increasingly difficult for people who have a strong sense of service, who feel they have a mission to save the world. This is not possible anymore for each one of us has been called to make the choice alone. We all have been given free will where we are given the choice of moving to the new where all our creations will find fruition as all is functioning from the heart. Or we can stay where we are in the old functioning in an environment where the energy is of greed, materialism and ego.

People who find themselves torn, wanting to help their loved ones to move on to a place they know exists, will increasingly find they are continuously been disrespected, their creations even though they are heart felt will not take hold in this old energy and will become disillusioned and depressed.

It is a time where we all have to become more 'selfish' not in the sense of greed or manipulation but in self love and to fully acknowledge the saying of 'if you don't love yourself you cannot love anyone else'. Also the saying, 'If you love someone let them go.' We are all here on this planet at this time with our own lessons and agendas. The overall theme is love, but we are not meant to meddle in each others lives, however much our need to help.

Last night I had intense dreams of the end of the old world and the beginning of the new world. I cannot remember the details but I 'know' the overall truth. I also 'saw' my deceased mum in my dream sitting at a stadium wearing a baseball cap, with an intense expression of anticipation on her face. I felt she was watching to see what choices I am going to make, what choices we are going to make. The whole Universe is watching us, we are the highlight of the celestial world at the moment. Our decisions are important to them as we are part of the whole, what we do affects the whole.

We are all being lovingly nudged by our guides which we can 'hear' as our sub-conscious to make choices for our higher good. Again it is our choice if we want to listen. We are also being lovingly supported by our non-physical friends of light. We are not alone, but we do need to make the individual decision of where we want our reality to be.

Much love and compassion

Christina xx

Friday, 26 August 2011

Find Truth through LOVE!

About a year ago I was told by a fellow blogger to search for what I believe and to stop using other's opinions, quotes, theories etc. I love to read what other people have to say on matters that are important to me. I even admit that their opinions may have helped to develop most of my beliefs.

I have been feeling very restless these past few days. I am very conscious of Moon energies and a New Moon is approaching on ther 28th August. I also 'know' that there are many planetary events taking place in the heavens and even today there are reports of a 'new' planet being discovered made out of diamonds.

I am becoming bombarded by lots of conflicting messages; I am on the one hand reading and channelling angelic, loving energies of having faith and having trust in all happening in Divine perfect order. On the other hand I am reading about the Illuminati- the people in higher places (I suggest you do your own research on this) trying to create a New World Order and creating situations (illusions) in order to keep us from seeing the truth.

What is the truth?

My son came to visit from Cyprus and we had a wonderful 3 weeks together. He is 20 years old and into Christianity. He is not following any particular church but is leaning to the side of everything that is not through Jesus Christ is heresy. Since I have more open minded views he 'lovingly' sees me as a lost soul taken over by the dark side.

We had a couple of 'loving' chats about love, life and peace and I felt I conveyed that where he believes Jesus is God incarnate on Earth to show us how much he loves us, I believe that Christ is a consciousness. I expressed that the Jesus story, whether real in historical fact, is not an issue for me as I believe that it is an allegory about spreading the Light of God, and Jesus is the pure example of this Light.

Of course this became more than a loving chat and we both found ourselves defending our beliefs. I ended the conversation saying that I believe there is One Truth and many ways to this. He replied, 'How do you know? How do you know if you do not have Jesus Christ in your life?'

I replied telling him I have Christ in my heart as we all do, it is the process of opening the heart that helps us to the TRUTH.

I have been ploughing the Internet today and yesterday looking for the TRUTH of what is happening to our planet and the cosmos and to us. I found lots of information, but for some reason I could not read any of it - either it was too scientific, too metaphysical, or too alien- like.

I realised that we need to look for the answers ourselves. The TRUTH is within us, it is in all we are doing, all that we are thinking, all that we are feeling. If I think a certain way this creates a certain truth for me. If I feel a certain way this is an indication of how I have been thinking. If I am doing something that is not in par with who I am, how I feel and how I think, then I am further from the TRUTH.

Keep it simple: Think with love, feel the love and do with love - anything else is less than the TRUTH!

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

What is happening in the UK?

Watching the news today and yesterday I am very sadened at what is happening with our youth. They are looting, setting businesses and homes on fire, assaulting others and having total disregard for authority or others. It was quite frightening today when I was parked in Bearwood High Street in Birmingham. All the shops where shutting down, on advice from the police. I felt the fear thick in the air.

I have been more sadened by the response from people though. Yes, these young people are totally out of order, they are abusing and violating laws and boundaries and it must be very frightening and devastating for the people who have lost through these riots. But, what saddens me the most is how people write off these youths as 'ferral', 'vermin'.

I replied to a facebook comment that suggested that these young people needed a good smack to learn respect. I responded that they would not learn respect from a smack and maybe the youth were reflecting a general unrest in all mankind and through their actions, however wrong, were gaining public airing for something to be done about it. The response I received showed me that people have a lot to say about wrong doing, giving themselves as examples of good behaviour, but are not willing to be a part in the promoting of the peace.

What do I think is happening in the bigger scheme of things?

There is a lot of cosmic energy aiding the moving forward of our new world. Whatever does not match the new has to go. Unfortunately, this comes out in chaos, destruction and loss. There has to be a clean slate for the light to take hold.

Why the young?

The young are the ones that will lead the new world. They are embodying more light but darkness hangs around waiting to embody what matches it. Unfortunately, there is so much that matches it in what the young watch, play and do, that this causes alot of collision.

If more people could hold on to the end result, i.e. the progressing into the light, without getting too involved in the drama (difficult if the riots directly affect you) then big change can happen quickly with not too much heartache. But on saying that heartache can be another catalyst in pulling people together. The world has its eyes on the UK at the moment and feels our pain.

It will be interesting to see what comes out of this - unity or more separation?

Monday, 16 May 2011

Think Love!

The angels answer my question on how to deal with 'the runaway stream of life' - life happens and sometimes we get lost in the 'tumultuous rivers'. Following is their message;

'Be still child, when tumultuous rivers run over you, BE STILL!

Do not fear, you will not be washed away.

Your true essence will remain intact.

BREATHE and this will be the signal for us to throw you the tow line.

Hold on to it, hold on tight, with your thoughts of love.

Do not allow thoughts of dread and blame take over, for once you let them in you will lose your grip. You will be then taken by the illusion of the river running down the mountain, with its fury and blame.

Once you are in the sea of fire, you cannot do anything but PRAY and weather the storm.

You are safe though, we will be guiding and protecting you no matter what.

But, we cannot make you choose which thoughts you think.

So, THINK LOVE and you will be saved from the scathes and scratches of the runaway stream of life.

Angels with love and jubilation.'

Much love Christina xx

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Feel your Thoughts Happy!

A while ago I stopped writing my blog as I felt I was not revealing what I thought, what I believed. I feel that as time moves, I have been going backward and forward, even standing still at times. I have read more books, this is something that I will always do as this is one of my passions. I have been more selective in what I read though. I have been reading Jerry and Esther Hick's books on the 'Law of Attraction'. The main point the books are conveying is that we think our reality and our feelings are our guidance system. In other words, if we feel good, our thoughts are creating what we want, if we feel not so good our, thoughts are not creating what we want.

It doesn't end there, they are been told these things by a collection of light beings through Esther Hicks, called Abraham. When we are thinking of things we do not want in our life, for example, we are in poverty and we wish we had more money etc, this sends of rockets of desire into the Universe and our Spiritual self goes and collects all the components for us not to be in poverty.

The next bit is the difficult bit, we need to allow all this stuff that our Spiritual self is collecting for us. What does this mean? It means we have to think we already have these things. How????

We need to think our new reality. If we still carry on thinking about how poor we are and how we want to be rich, we will attract more of the same. But at the same time our Spiritual self is out collecting more stuff of what we want, therefore accumulating a huge amount of wealth for us. Or physical self has to just align with the Spiritual and allow it in.

Easier said than done!

One of the books, 'Ask and it is Given', has 22 processes which help you to get from where you are to where you want to be, which is in joy , love and peace. It is not just about thinking positively. Realistically if you are in poverty and haven't got two pence to rub together however many positive thoughts you conjure up, you cannot physically feel better. But you can start to feel a little relief by finding some thought that makes you feel a little better.

This is where feelings play a role. If you feel good, you will then think a better thought, if you think a better thought you will feel better. This will attract more good feeling experiences. It needs perseverance and faith though and it needs a belief that we are already enjoying all that we desire in the spiritual and we just need to align with all that here in the physical.

Yes, this has made a big impact on me. I have found it helpful when I am feeling lost and alone, sometimes nothing works, sometimes just thinking of how my cat is so loving is all that is needed to give me some relief. It will work for everyone, it probably works already for others only that they call it religion, love or connected to Source.

I will end with one piece of insight from all my learning;

'It doesn't matter what you read, what you learn, who you learn it from. If the learner is not ready to allow this information in then it is of no use. But, it is there anyway, ready, waiting for the learner to awaken enough, to allow it in. Nothing is lost in the eyes of God - not even yourself, when you feel lost and alone. It takes faith and courage to allow this truth to filter in from your soul into your heart. And then it needs trust to allow this to enter into your life, relationships and all you do.'

Wednesday, 26 January 2011

We Live in Hope!

We live in hope each and everyday,

We hope and pray that everything will be O.K.

We live in hope as we go about our day,

We hope for wisdom to come our way.

We live in hope with each interaction we have,

We hope to share our Divine love.

We live in hope as we drift of at night,

We hope for peace, love and light! 

Christina Christou

Monday, 17 January 2011

What is Reality?

There is a programme on T.V. right now on BBC 2 in UK called 'HORIZON: What is reality?' It is very Quantum Physics and I am trying to keep up with all the science. Basically, what the programme is trying to show is that our reality is not what it seems. What science does is 'kill' reality to find what reality is. They go to the very core, i.e. they break up the Universe to matter; the protons, neutrons etc. to find how the Universe and us and all of what exists, is built.

Cosmologists have the theories of parallel worlds, that we are also living other lives on other worlds, not somewhere far away but millimeters away. The paradox of quantum reality, when a photon splits, creates a parallel world slightly different from the next. Whatever our senses tell us about reality we only experience a tiny bit of what is going on.

'Quantum reality is powerful it has created our computer age, we understand stars, colour of gold.' A scientist, Steven Hawkins did some work on black holes, created when a great star dies. Professor Lenny Susskind met Hawkins to learn about black holes but he learnt something else- about reality.

Hawkins suggests that black holes eventually disappear, with everything in it. Information will be lost too. Hawkins's lecture sent Susskind on a mission to disprove this, and so he went to learn more about black holes.

If you get too close to a black hole you are lost. Susskind did research on this for 12 years. One day in the physics department he saw a hologram and he could see the 3d structure. He thought that maybe the horizon of the black hole is like a hologram.

He thought that all 3d can be encoded into 2d so then that means that the whole of reality is a hologram, way out in the boundary of the universe. Our 3d reality is then an illusion projected from the outer regions of the universe.

So what is going on? What is happening with science is a realisation that maybe science is not the answer, but it is very close to understanding what the answer is. What spiritual beliefs already hold true about the Universe are coming close to what the science is finding out to be true. Spiritual Truth is Universal it seems!

Note: As I was typing this blog as I was watching the programme, I may have got the names not quite right, or even the theories. I just want to show that what we think is reality is something we may never understand, but science has and is still trying to work out. It seems that Science is meeting up with Divine truth and all we need to know is that all is an illusion, all but one essential Spiritual Truth - only Love exists!

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Stop and Breath!


Breath connects you back to Source.
Breath is the gift of the angels, it keeps us aligned to our maker.
When our breath is shallow, we are disconnected from ourselves and each other.
When we do not consciously breath the gift of life, we do not connect with our heart.
Being in the heart is what keeps us aligned to love.

Breath deeply!
Release the past with the out breath!
Breath in the love.

Keep centered in your heart, re-connect with the breath!

Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Year Message


Be in love in all you do,
For all there is, is love.

Bring what is hidden into the light
This is the light of love.

Choose peace for it is the only way,
If you want to live with love.

Love, Light and peace to all!