Monday 2 September 2013


Our drains are blocked!

Not only our house, but the whole street's drains are blocked.

I know that is not something to write about, but it got me thinking. I like to see the symbolism in situations. 

Houses symbolize the body. What goes on inside the house, reflects what is going on inside us. 


Well that can symbolize the elimination system of the body. Energetically it could also symbolize blocked ideas, resisting change, holding on, not letting go!

The whole street? Symbolizing the collective. What affects the one affects all. It is a domino effect. Our thoughts affect others, our beliefs, our attitudes, our behaviors.

People we interact with are mirrors showing us what is inside us. In the same way as the blocked drains are showing our congested thoughts.

Congested thoughts create physical problems. Our household seems to be always on the toilet, with some complaint or the other. I wonder how our neighbors' bowel movements are? (no I'm not going to ask...) 

The drains have now been unblocked, thankfully. Hopefully this means something else has shifted in our minds.

 "CLEAR MIND, CLEAR SIGHT -You can see clearly if your mind is clear. Spend a little time each day to empty your mind so that you can see the truth in all situations!!"

The above should be instead:

"CLEAR MIND, CLEAR BOWELS -You can see clearly if your mind is clear. Spend a little time each day to empty your bowels so that you can see the truth in all situations!!"

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